Prof. Andrzej Klawiter


Surname: Klawiter
First Name: Andrzej
Date and place of birth: November 8, more about 1950, no rx Elbląg, side effects Poland
Nationality: Polish

Affiliation and official address:

Institute of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University
Szamarzewskiego 89a, 60-568 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 61 829 23 70
e-mail: klawiter[at]

Education (degrees, dates, universities):

  • 1972 M.A. in Law, A. Mickiewicz University
  • 1976 Ph. D in Philosophy, A. Mickiewicz University
  • 1993 Habilitation in Philosophy, A. Mickiewicz University

Career  Employment (employer, positions and dates):

  • 1972 — 1976 Assistant, Institute of Philosophy, A. Mickiewicz University
  • 1976 — 1998 Adjunct, Institute of Philosophy, A. Mickiewicz University
  • 1998 Professor of Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Philosophy
  • 1999 — 2007 Head of the Section of Epistemology and Cognitive Science, Institute of Philosophy, A. Mickiewicz University
  • 2000 Lecturer of Philosophy at Poznan University of Medical Sciences
  • 2007 Head of the Section of Logic and Cognitive Science, Institute of Psychology, A. Mickiewicz University

Current research interest:

  • cognitive science: audition, perception of tools
  • philosophy: conscioussnes, subjectivity, emotions



  • Philosophy program (till 2007): 20th century philosophy, Phenomenology, Philosophy and cognitive science
  • Cognitive science program: Introduction to cognitive science, Perception, Consciousness,
  • Medical Programs in English at Poznan University of Medical Sciences: Philosophy

PhD supervision

  • supevisor of 11 PhD students (8 earned the degree, 3 are current PhD students)

Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Memberships of Professional Societies:

  • 1976 member of the Polish Philosophical Society
  • 2000 co-founder and member of the Polish Society of Cognitive Science
  • 2006 President of the Polish Society of Cognitive Science

Publications 2004 — 2006:


  1. „Why did Husserl not become the Galileo of the Science of Consciousness?”, Francesco Cognilione, Roberto Poli, Robin Rollinger (eds.) Historical Studies on Abstraction and Idealization, Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 82, Rodopi, Amsterdam – New York, p. 253-271
  2. „Powab i moc wyjaśniająca kognitywistyki” (in Polish, „Charm and Explanatory Power of Cognitive Science”, NAUKA, 3/2004, p.81-100


  1. „Teoria ewolucji a ewolucjonizm: od koncepcji biologicznej do megaparadygmatu naukowego”, (in Polish, „Theory of evolution and evolustionism: from biological theory to scientific megaparadigm”) Poznańskie Studia z Filozofii Humanistyki, 7(20), p. 233-242
  2. „Myśleć jak filozof, argumentować jak kognitywista”, (in Polish, „To think as a philosopher and to argue as a cognitive scientist), Diametros, internet journal
  3. Anna Preis, Andrzej Klawiter, „The audition of natural sounds — its levels and relevant experiments”, Forum Acusticum, Budapest 2005 (keynote lecture published in materials of Forum Acusticum conference)


  1. Andrzej Klawiter, Anna Preis, „Percepcja słuchowa przedmiotów. Szkic teorii i jej testowanie”, (in Polish, „Auditory perception of objects. Sketch of a theory and its testing”) Kolokwia Psychologiczne, no. 14, p.144-162
  2. „Jak rozpoznajemy narzędzia? Hipoteza filozoficzno-kognitywistyczna” (in Polish, „How do we identify tools? A philosophical and cognitive hypothesis”), Człowiek między rzeczywistością realną a wirtualną (A human being between actual and virtual reality), Ośrodek Wydawnictw Naukowych PAN, p. 55 – 76
  3. Andrzej Klawiter, „Elementy kognitywistycznej koncepcji słyszenia” (in Polish, „Elements of the cognitive concept of audition”), Studia z Kognitywistyki i Filozofii Umysłu, vol.2 Mózg i jego umysły (Studies in Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind, vol. 2 Brain and its minds), p.27-36